The day before Little Guy was slated to head back to school, to his friends, to his teacher, we recieved a completely unexpected phone message from his principal stating that, due to extreme financial concerns, the school would be closing its doors effective immediately.
I was in shock. I was sad. I was starting to freak out a little.
What are we going to do? Where will Little Guy school? He will never see his little friends again! He didn't get to say goodbye to them...or his teacher! What will she do? What will all the staff do??
There were some definite tears that entire evening. It was such a feeling of loss. Little Guy had acclimated so well to his school. We loved the small environment. We loved his teacher and his friends. And now it was just gone...all gone with no goodbyes. No preparations.
I fretted all night with Hubby wondering what we should do, and we came up with the idea that we'd just put him on the waiting list for the school that we'd originally intended for him (and the school his big brother had attended), and homeschool until a slot became available.
We awoke the next morning at peace. I knew that whatever happened, we would be just fine.
Little Guy and I went to the school we knew we had no chance of getting into, and put his name on the waiting list. While it was very nice to see the familiar faces from when Big Bro attended in the office, we left feeling good that we'd be on the waiting list, and hoping that he'd make it in for first grade next year.
We drove over to Little Guy's closed (for business, but not literally) school to see what we should do about his records, and to our great surprise, his teacher happened to be there cleaning out her room. I was so glad that Little Guy got to see her one last time and say goodbye. As was he.
Not more than an hour later, I realized I'd gotten a call from the school we had no chance at. They'd left a message saying that they were going to make a spot for Little Guy! After dancing like fools, jumping up and down, and sending out gratitude into the universe, we drove back to the school and enrolled Little Guy.
Ever the social diplomat, he is excited at the prospect of making new friends, and we are all glad that everything worked out. I've found many, many times in my life, that when I've stayed calm and trusted in life's ability to work things out, it usually does. Despite the inconvenience, we never got angry at the situation. I think that, in our minds, the children and the teachers with no where to go took precedence over our minor inconvenience of a last minute change. While I'm sure that other families were not as lucky as ours, I have confidence that all will work out for them in the way it is meant.
Have you had a time in your life where you knew that trusting in God/Life/The Universe would get you to where you needed to be?
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