Here's the step by step of how to order:
So, you can if you want by choosing the "retail customer" box, but...... friends don't let friends pay retail. A wholesale membership will save you 24% off everything for LIFE - I mean, hello! Who doesn't love a discount, right?! <3
Here's how it works: Follow this link
A new window will open (The wholesale box will be checked, and our member number will be filled in), click "continue."
When it tells you who will be your enroller you click "continue" again because heck yeah you want to be on our team! <3
Now you get to choose your starter kit.

Step 1:
If you just want a wholesale membership, click the tab for basic kits on your browser (it's a drop down menu on mobile), and choose "Basic Kit."
Or you can be like me and start with one of the Premium Kits (these are by far the best deal - like $400+ worth of products for just $165). There are also kits for Cleaning Products or Makeup, so just choose the option that best suits you.
Step 2:
This box is asking if you would like to join essential rewards, Young Living's monthly auto-ship program where you have home/body/wellness/essential oil products delivered to your door. This program comes with loads of freebies, but there is a $50 minimum monthly order requirement to participate. It's super easy to cancel, but if you're not into this sort of thing right now, just ignore it and click "next" at the bottom of the page.
Anddddd that's basically it for things that may not be self-explanatory. The rest is just filling out your
payment and shipping info.
Pretty easy for something that will change your life!!!
Once you've joined with either a membership or a starter kit, you will receive a welcome email from us. Be sure to check your inbox for the next couple of weeks because we'll be sending you some helpful information about how to use your products. You will never have to walk this alone - we are always just a message away!
Still want to know more? Here's a post answering common questions about joining Young Living.
Want to do Young Living as a business? Cool! A membership is the only thing you need to get started.
Never want to do Young Living as a business? That's totally cool too. Just enjoy your oils and learning about all the ridiculously amazing things they can do! <3
Either way, we're totally happy to help you on your journey to stay above the wellness line!
xo -
The Well and Wild Tribe
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